The Dairy Goat Extension Program

What is the Dairy Goat Extension Program About?

Our long-term goal is to develop strategies that improve and protect food safety by maximizing animal health and welfare while mitigating antimicrobial resistance development. Our first task is improving goat milk quality by developing effective and prudent treatment programs that maintain food safety while developing an educational outreach program for producers, processors, and veterinarians to help implement these strategies on-farm. 

The material encompassed in this website was developed through the financial support of USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Agricultural and Food Research Initiative Competitive Program, Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance Across the Food Chain, Grant/Award Number: 2021-68015-33501

Meet Our Collaborators

Michelle Buckley
Michelle Buckley
Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice
Texas Tech University
Patrick Gorden
Patrick Gorden
Professor & Director, Food Supply Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State University
Paul Plummer
Paul Plummer
Dean & Professor | Veterinary Medicine Administration
The University of Tennessee
Roselle Busch
Roselle Busch
Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension
University of California - Davis
Jennifer Bentley
Jennifer Bentley
Dairy Field Specialist
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Fauna Smith
Fauna Smith
Assistant Professor of Livestock Herd Health and Reproduction
University of California - Davis
Gail Carpenter
Gail Carpenter
Assistant Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist
Iowa State University
Phillip Jardon
Phillip Jardon
Clinical Associate Professor and Dairy Extension Veterinarian
Iowa State University
Fred Hall headshot.
Fred Hall
Dairy Specialist
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Larry Tranel headshot.
Larry Tranel
Dairy Field Specialist
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach